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IPQualityScore provider

The IPQualityScore provider allows you to use IPQualityScore to collect fraud analytics data. Because it is an external provider, you need an account with IPQualityScore to use it.


To connect the IPQualityScore provider, you need an account with IPQualityScore. They will provide you with an API key. Once you have it, in the Dashboard menu, select Settings > Providers. The Providers page is displayed. If you don't have an account with IPQualityScore, contact ComPilot or IPQualityScore directly.

Follow these instructions to connect it.

  1. Click Connect on the pane for IPQualityScore. A modal will be displayed.

  2. Enter the API key for IPQualityScore and click connect.

    The IPQualityScore provider is now connected and you are redirected to its configuration page.

You can also connect the IPQualityScore provider, if it is necessary, when creating a workflow or editing a step. In both these cases, you will still need to enter the IPQualityScore API key, and the ComPilot Dashboard will display a modal where you can enter it.


The IPQualityScore provider has a configuration for each workflow that uses it.

To configure the IPQualityScore provider, in the Dashboard menu, select Settings > IPQualityScore. The IP configuration page is displayed. Select the workflow that this configuration will apply to and fill out the form on the page as described in the following sections.

You can also configure the IPQualityScore provider when it is used by a step in a workflow. On the workflow detail page, click the gear icon . A pane opens on the right of the screen with a form where the configuration can be edited. Fill out the form on the pane as described in the following sections.


The API Key pane contains the IPQualityScore API key that you entered when you connected the provider. You can view the key by clicking Show and copy it to your clipboard by clicking Copy.

Automation Triggers

On the Automation Triggers pane you can toggle whether user data is screened every time a record is added.

Other configuration

On the IPQualityScore configuration pane, select the checks that you want to be performed.

Ip VerificationSelect this to enable IPQualityScore checks on the user's IP address.
Email VerificationSelect this to enable IPQualityScore checks on the user's email address.
Phone VerificationSelect this to enable IPQualityScore checks on the user's phone number.

Saving changes

When you have entered the correct information, click Save to save your changes.


You can disconnect the IPQualityScore provider by clicking the Disconnect button at the top right of the page.

IPQualityScore data

Data from IPQualityScore is displayed on the Customer profile tab of the customer detail page. Data provided by IPQualityScore is indicated with the text data provided by IPQualityScore.

IPQualityScore returns a fraud score, which is based on the IP, user agent, language, and any other optionally passed variables. Higher scores are more suspicious.

< 40Low risk
>= 75Suspicious
> 85High risk

IPQualityScore also returns other information, including the location, the ISP, whether it is a bot, whether it is a VPN, and whether it is a TOR address. This information is displayed on the customer detail page. The full IPQualityScore response contains more information and is delivered via the webhooks. For more detail, see the IPQualityScore documentation.

If there is an error, such as not being able to connect to IPQualityScore, an error icon, , will be displayed in place of the score. Hovering the mouse over the icon will display more detail about the error.

More information

For more information about IPQualityScore, visit the IPQualityScore website.