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Identity verification and screening providers are 3rd-party services that can be connected to ComPilot and used as part of workflows to collect, enrich or process customer data. That data can then be accessed through the ComPilot Dashboard and the API. Providers can perform a variety of tasks. For example, the ComPilot KYC provider collects KYC data using the ComPilot Identity Widget and adds that data to the ComPilot Dashboard.

There are several different types of provider, including:

  • KYC providers, which collect customer data to perform identity verification.
  • KYB providers, which collect data to perform know-your-business checks.
  • KYT providers, which analyze customer data to perform know-your-transaction checks.
  • Fraud detection providers, which analyze customer data to perform fraud detection checks.
  • AML screening providers, which analyze customer data to perform anti-money-laundering checks.

Integrated and external providers

Providers can be integrated providers, which are integrated with the ComPilot Dashboard, or external providers.

Integrated providers:

  • Require less setup and configuration.
  • Do not require any third-party accounts or API keys.
  • Data is acquired by ComPilot directly.
  • Have ComPilot in their name and are shown as blue panes on the Providers page.

Integrated providers include:

External providers:

  • Require more setup and configuration.
  • Require third-party accounts or API keys.
  • Allow you to bring data from third-party sources into your ComPilot Dashboard.
  • Are shown as white panes on the Providers page.

External providers include:

  • Scorechain, which allows you to use Scorechain for KYT screening in ComPilot.
  • IPQualityScore, which allows you to use IPQualityScore for fraud detection in ComPilot.
  • ComplyAdvantage, which allows you to use ComplyAdvantage for AML screening in ComPilot.

Identity verification and monitoring

The providers perform a range of checks for identity verification and monitoring.

Identity verification and proof of residence

Provided by ComPilot KYC.

Identity verification is a process that is designed to ensure than an individual is who they claim to be. At the start of the identity verification process, the customer provides some basic information about themselves, and electronic copies of identity documents, such as passports. The system then validates the documents, by verifying that they are issued by a legitimate authority and that they have not been tampered with or forged. The system interacts with the customer to perform liveness checks, which confirm that the customer is physically present and alive. Verifiable credentials (VCs) are sent to the customer if they pass all the checks.

Identity verification can be performed using ComPilot KYC, and the VCs returned can be shared with your application, either as VCs directly, or as zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs) based on the scenarios you create.

This can help you to understand who your customers are, and help you to conduct more advanced screening.

A proof-of-residence check asks the customer where they live and compares it to the information in their VCs.

Proof-of-residence checks can be performed by ComPilot KYC and can help ensure that you are only doing business with customers in jurisdictions that you want to do business in.

These checks can be turned on and off within workflows.


If a proof-of-residence check is enabled, the ComPilot Identity Widget will ask the customer to upload proof of residence. This will have to be manually checked on the ComPilot Dashboard.

Video identification

Video identification uses video chat to allow an agent to hold a video call with an individual. During the call, identity verification and liveness verification take place, as well as collection of proof of residence.

From the customer's point of view, the ComPilot Widget starts the video call. When the agent is connected to the customer, the agent can ask the customer for all relevant documentation. The customer shows the agent the documentation, and the agent takes a series of screenshots. The screenshots are then automatically available in the customer's profile in the ComPilot Dashboard..

You can turn video identification on and off within workflows.

Wallet-risk scoring

Provided by ComPilot KYT or the Scorechain provider.

Wallet-risk scoring is a method used to assess the level of risk associated with a particular cryptocurrency wallet address or the entities using those addresses. It works by gathering and analyzing information related to transactions associated with the wallet's address. This information may include transaction history, sources of funds, destinations of funds, transaction frequency, and wallet interactions with other addresses. It can help with detecting if customers have interacted with malicious protocols and services.

If you have connected and configured the ComPilot KYT or Scorechain providers, wallet-risk scoring happens automatically, and the scoring can be turned on and off within workflows.

Fraud analytics

Provided by ComPilot Fraud Analytics or the IPQualityScore provider

The fraud detection tools enable bot detection and user screening to prevent fake accounts, chargebacks, & malicious users without interrupting the user experience Bad actors and bots are detected using IP reputation data, email screening, and phone scoring.

If you have connected and configured the ComPilot Fraud Analytics or IPQualityScore providers, fraud detection happens automatically, and it can be turned on and off within workflows.

AML screenings

Provided by ComPilot AML or the ComplyAdvantage provider.

Anti-money-laundering (AML) screenings check the customer against politically exposed person (PEP) lists, adverse media lists, and sanctions lists.

AML screenings can be performed either by using existing VCs or by taking the customer through the identity verification process to obtain VCs. Whether the customer is on any of the above lists can then be shared with your application.

These checks can help ensure that none of your customers have a bad status according to the lists above.

If you have connected and configured the ComPilot AML or ComplyAdvantage providers, AML screening happens automatically, and the screening can be turned on and off within workflows.


If the alert generated by AML screening confirms that the customer is a PEP, sanctioned individual, or has adverse media, and you reject the customer, ComPilot advises that you do not reveal the reason for the rejection to the customer, but instead say that you cannot onboard them for regulatory reasons.