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Step by step with React or Next.js

  1. Install @compilot/react-sdk.

    yarn add @compilot/react-sdk
  2. If you are going to use Wagmi, install @compilot/web-sdk-wallet-wagmi.

    yarn add @compilot/web-sdk-wallet-wagmi 
  3. Create compilot-config.ts and define the challenge function.

    export const generateChallenge = async (params: any) => {
    const res = await fetch("yourApiUrl/yourApiEndpoint", {
    method: "POST",
    headers: {
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
    body: JSON.stringify(params),

    return res.json();
  4. Create the configuration object. In Web3 mode you need a wallet adapter to interact with the customer's wallet. You can use the provided wallet adapter for Wagmi, or create a custom wallet adapter.

    import { createWeb3AuthAdapter, createConfig } from "@compilot/react-sdk";
    import { createWagmiWalletAdapter } from "@compilot/web-sdk-wallet-wagmi";
    import { generateChallenge } from "./compilot-config";

    const walletAdapter = createWagmiWalletAdapter(wagmiConfig);
    const authAdapter = createWeb3AuthAdapter({ wallet: walletAdapter, generateChallenge });
    const config = createConfig({ authAdapter });

    wagmiConfig is provided by your wallet adapter tool.

  5. Wrap your app in the CompilotProvider component to get access to the ComPilot React SDK.

    import { CompilotProvider } from "@compilot/react-sdk";
    import { generateChallenge } from "./compilot-config";
    const App = ({ children }) => {
    return <CompilotProvider config={config}>{children}</CompilotProvider>;

  6. Use the hooks provided by the React SDK to interact with the ComPilot Widget.

    import { useOpenWidget } from "@compilot/react-sdk";

    const MyWidgetButton = () => {
    const { openWidget } = useOpenWidget();

    return (
    Open Widget

    The full list of hooks is in the React SDK documentation.
