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Step by step with other JavaScript-based applications

  1. install @compilot/web-sdk and @compilot/web-sdk-wallet-wagmi.

    yarn add @compilot/web-sdk
    yarn add @compilot/web-sdk-wallet-wagmi
  2. Create the file compilot-config.ts and define the challenge function.

    export const generateChallenge = async (params: any) => {
    const res = await fetch("yourApiUrl/yourApiEndpoint", {
    method: "POST",
    headers: {
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
    body: JSON.stringify(params),

    return res.json();
  3. Create the configuration object. In Web3 mode you need a wallet adapter to interact with the customer's wallet. You can use the provided wallet adapter for Wagmi, or create a custom wallet adapter.

    This example uses wallet connect and the file main.ts handles Wagmi configuration.

    import { createWeb3Modal, defaultWagmiConfig } from "@web3modal/wagmi";
    import { mainnet, arbitrum } from "viem/chains";
    import { reconnect } from "@wagmi/core";

    // 1. Get a project ID at
    const projectId = "YOUR_PROJECT_ID";

    // 2. Create wagmiConfig
    const metadata = {
    name: "Web3 JS",
    description: "AppKit Example",
    url: "", // origin must match your domain & subdomain.
    icons: [""],

    const chains = [mainnet, arbitrum] as const;
    export const config = defaultWagmiConfig({

    // 3. Create modal
    const modal = createWeb3Modal({
    wagmiConfig: config,
  4. Define the open widget function to get access to the ComPilot Widget in app.

        import { createWagmiWalletAdapter } from "@compilot/web-sdk-wallet-wagmi ";
    import { createWeb3AuthAdapter, createConfig,openWidget, watchWidgetVisibleState } from "@compilot/web-sdk";
    import { generateChallenge } from "./compilot-config.ts";
    import { config } from "./main";

    const walletAdapter = createWagmiWalletAdapter(config);
    const authAdapter = createWeb3AuthAdapter({ generateChallenge, wallet: walletAdapter });
    const compilotConfig = createConfig({ authAdapter });
    onclick = () => {
  5. Use the getters and watchers provided by the Web SDK to interact with the ComPilot Widget.

      <button onclick="onclick">Open widget</button>

    Standard actions include utility functions like openWidget(config) and closeWidget(config);

    Getters include utility functions like isLoading(config) and isOpen(config);`.

    const loading = isLoading(config);
    const open = isOpen(config);

    Watchers (callback-based actions or getters) include watchWidgetVisibleState().

    watchWidgetVisibleState(config, {
    onChange (isVisible) => {
    console.log("Widget is visible: ", isVisible);

    All of the functions are listed in Web SDK.
