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Integration strategies

There are two main strategies for integrating your systems with ComPilot:

ComPilot can also handle manual upload of data.

Automatic verification

For automatic verification, the approval of customers is based purely on:

  • The data generated during the KYC process.
  • The results from the ComPilot Rules Engine.

The data is not checked by a compliance officer.

This approach is recommended for simple verifications, such as age check or country restrictions. It is also the only way that anonymous verifications based on ZKPs can work.

There are two key limitations to this approach:

  • It is not appropriate for regulated companies who need to have all data double-checked by a compliance officer.
  • There is no way to onboard a user that fails to complete the automatic process.

By default, ComPilot uses automatic verification. No specific steps are required to use it. With automatic verification, all customers with a status of Active are allowed to use your app. Customers with any other status (such as Rejected or In review) are blocked.

Assisted verification

Assisted verification is an extension of automatic verification, where your compliance officer makes the final decision. For assisted verification, the approval of customers is based on:

  • The data generated during the KYC process.
  • The results from the ComPilot Rules Engine.
  • The review and decision from your compliance officer.

It is your compliance officer who makes the final decision about approval.

During this process, your compliance officer can:

  • Change a customer's status to Active if they meet your criteria.
  • Change a customer's status to Rejected, To be reviewed, or Escalated if they find suspicious data that was not flagged automatically.
  • Identify customers that have not completed onboarding, and contact them if appropriate.

This approach is recommended for companies that want to implement regulation-compliant AML processes, and companies that want to maximize the number of users that are fully onboarded.

The principal limitation of this approach is that you need at least one dedicated compliance officer to complete the verification process.

Assisted verification can happen if, for example, ComPilot AML or ComplyAdvantage automatically sets a customer's status to To be reviewed. Then your compliance officer should check the customer's information and make a decision.

Manual upload of data

You may encounter scenarios a customer cannot complete the KYC process and they contact you for assistance. For situations like this, ComPilot supports the manual upload of KYC data.

You collect the data from the customer using your usual customer support channels, and once the data has been uploaded, you can manually set the customer's status.

Please contact ComPilot if you need manual upload of data to be enabled for you.