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ComPilot SDKs

The ComPilot SDKs are written in Typescript and allow you to integrate customer and business verification into your application. There are three SDKs.

On the client side, you can use either the Web SDK or the React SDK.

  • Use the React SDK if you build your front end in React.
  • Use the Web SDK if you build your front end in JavaScript or another JavaScript framework.

If your back end is JavaScript-based, then it can use the JavaScript SDK. For advanced use, you can use the ComPilot API directly.

There are three key principles to implementing the verification flow.

  • You use the client-side SDKs to allow customers to go through a KYC or KYB process and share the information with your app.
  • ComPilot verifies the retrieved data using the compliance rules defined in the ComPilot Dashboard, and uses a webhook or the ComPilot API to tell your app the customer was approved or denied.
  • Based on the results from ComPilot, you can handle how your app should behave for that customer.

For a KYC process, this is described in KYC Customer experience and KYC Integration.

For a KYB process, this is described in KYB Customer experience and KYB Integration.


There are several example applications built using the ComPilot SDKs. You can use these as a basis for building your own applications.


The verification workflow can run in two modes: regular mode and Web3 mode.

  • Regular mode allows customers to authenticate without a Web3 wallet. This is often more convenient for the customer, and it requires less development, but it means ComPilot cannot associate a customer's real-world identity with a Web3 wallet.
  • Web3 mode requires customers to authenticate using their Web3 wallet. This has three benefits:
    • You can link your customers' real-world identity with their Web3 wallets.
    • Customers' wallets can automatically screened with an onchain screening tool connected to ComPilot.
    • At the end of verification, customers are issued reusable KYC reports that can be controlled using their Web3 wallets.

The following blockchains are supported for Web3.

  • All EVM chains (such as Ethereum, and Base)
  • Aptos
  • Cardano
  • Cosmos
  • Polkadot
  • Solana
  • Starknet
  • Tezos

See Web3 authentication for more information.

The mode that a workflow uses is determined by how it is called in the code.

Please follow the appropriate guide for the mode you want to use.