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Signature-based gating

To gate smart contracts with signatures using ComPilot, you have to follow these steps.

  1. Verify the identities of your customers using ComPilot KYC.
  2. Update your smart contracts to connect them to TxAuthDataVerifier.
  3. Update your front end to use the signature.

This document describes how to perform steps 2 and 3.

In the smart contract


In the smart contract, you need to:

  1. Install @nexeraid/sig-gating-contracts, using pnpm, npm or yarn.
  2. Import the @nexeraid/sig-gating-contracts package.
  3. Specify the address of the ComPilot signer manager.
  4. Add the TxAuthDataVerifier dependency.
  5. Use the requireTxDataAuth modifier in the smart contract.
  6. If you want to be able to change the signer, use internal _setSigner function with you desired access control

The signer manager is a smart contract that ComPilot uses to manage the signer address used in the ComPilot API. The signer address is the address that signs transaction authorizations in the ComPilot back end.

By using the signer manager, if the signer address is ever compromised, ComPilot can update the address without every customer having to call _setSigner. ComPilot recommends that you use the signer manager rather than the signer itself.

The signer manager address is 0x29A75f22AC9A7303Abb86ce521Bb44C4C69028A0.

This addresses is used for all the chains listed below.


ComPilot contracts are compatible with the ERC2771 Meta Transaction standard.


This example illustrates how to modify an NFT minting process so that it uses ComPilot's smart contract gating. The function mintNFTGated returns the ID of the newly minted NFT upon successful verification and minting.

In this example:

  • signerAddress is the address of the signer manager.
  • recipient is the address to which the NFT will be minted.

You can see an example of this in ExampleGatedNFTMinter.sol.

import "@nexeraid/sig-gating-contracts/contracts/sigVerifiers/TxAuthDataVerifier.sol";

contract ExampleGatedNFTMinter is ERC721, TxAuthDataVerifier, Ownable {
address signerAddress
ERC721("MyExampleGatedNFTMinter", "GNFT")

/// @notice - sets a new signer address
/// @dev - can only be called by the current owner
/// @param _signer - the address of the new signer
function setSigner(address _signer) public onlyOwner {

// contract logic goes here

/// @notice - mints a new NFT to a specified recipient, using a signature verification process.
/// @dev - leverages the `requireTxDataAuth` modifier for signature verification.
/// @param recipient - the address to which the NFT will be minted.
/// @return - the ID of the newly minted NFT upon successful verification and minting.
function mintNFTGated(
address recipient,
) public requireTxDataAuth() returns (uint256) {
return mintNFT(recipient);

Upgradeable example

ComPilot also provides a contract for upgradeable contracts.

import "@unblokttechnology/nexera-id-contracts/contracts/sigVerifiers/TxAuthDataVerifierUpgradeable.sol";

contract ExampleGatedNFTMinterUpgradeable is ERC721, TxAuthDataVerifierUpgradeable, OwnableUpgradeable {
/// @notice constructor conform OZ upgradable pattern
constructor() {

/// @notice Initializes the contract by setting a name, symbol, and signer for TxAuthDataVerifierUpgradeable.
/// @param signerAddress The address allowed to sign transaction data for minting authorization.
function initialize(address signerAddress) public initializer {
__ERC721_init("MyExampleGatedNFTMinterUpgradeable", "GNFTU");

/// @notice Sets a new signer address
/// @dev Can only be called by the current owner
/// @param _signer The address of the new signer
function setSigner(address _signer) public onlyOwner {

// contract logic goes here

/// @notice - mints a new NFT to a specified recipient, using a signature verification process.
/// @dev - leverages the `requireTxDataAuth` modifier for signature verification.
/// @param recipient - the address to which the NFT will be minted.
/// @return - the ID of the newly minted NFT upon successful verification and minting.
function mintNFTGated(
address recipient,
) public requireTxDataAuth() returns (uint256) {
return mintNFT(recipient);

Calling from another contract

To call a gated contract from another contract, use the requireTxDataAuthWithAddress modifier.

    function mintNFTGated(
address recipient,
address userAddress,
) public requireTxDataAuthWithAddress(userAddress) returns (uint256) {
return mintNFT(recipient);

In the front end

You can use either the ComPilot SDKs or the ComPilot API on the front end.

Using the ComPilot SDKs

If you are using the Web SDK or the React SDK, you have to get the signature and then submit the transaction to the blockchain.

In this example:

  • ExampleGatedNFTMinterABI is the ABI for the gated smart contract. Important: this must be the JSON not the stringified version.
  • ExampleGatedNFTMinterAddress is the address of the gated smart contract.
  • mintNFTGatedis the name of the function in the gated smart contract.
  • recipientAddress is the input for the mintNFTGated function.
  1. Get the signature.

    // get chain ID from client
    const chainId = await client.getChainId();

    // Build input object
    const txAuthInput = {
    contractAbi: ExampleGatedNFTMinterABI,
    contractAddress: ExampleGatedNFTMinterAddress,
    functionName: "mintNFTGated",
    args: [recipientAddress],

    // get the signature
    const signatureResponse = await getTxAuthDataSignature(config, txAuthInput);

    You can also add an explicit block expiration to txAuthInput. See getTxAuthSignature for more information.

    The signatureResponse object has four properties:

    • isAuthorized: boolean. True if this customer is authorized.
    • blockExpiration: the block number after which the request is considered expired.
    • payload: the block expiration and the signature concatenated together to be appended to the transaction data sent to the smart contract.
    • signature: the signature.
  2. Submit the transaction to the blockchain, including the block expiration and signature.

    // Mint Gated Nft with signature
    const unsignedTx = encodeFunctionData({
    abi: ExampleGatedNFTMinterABI,
    functionName: "mintNFTGated",
    args: [account.address],

    // Complete data
    const txData = (unsignedTx + signatureResponse.payload) as `0x${string}`;

    // try to mint nft
    const tx = await{
    to: getGatedContractAddress(EvmChainId.parse(chainId)),
    data: txData,

args is an array containing the arguments for the mintNFTGated function in the smart contract. It can contain as many elements as your function needs.

Using the API

If you are using the API, on your front end, you need to prepare the input, fetch the signature, and then use the signature. The following example uses viem.

In this example:

  • projectApiKey is your ComPilot API key.
  • ExampleGatedNFTMinterABI is the ABI for the example contract. Important: this must be the JSON not the stringified version.
  • ExampleGatedNFTMinterAddress is the address of the deployed example contract.
  • mintNFTGatedis the name of the function in the smart contract.
  1. Get the workspace API client.

    const workspaceClient = createIdentityApiClient({
    env: APP_ENV,
    type: "project",
    apiKey: projectApiKey,
  2. Get the address and account.

    const [recipientAddress] = await client.getAddresses();
    const account = client.account;
  3. Instantiate the contract.

    const contract = getContract({
    address: ExampleGatedNFTMinterAddress,
    abi: ExampleGatedNFTMinterABI,
    publicClient: client,
  4. Prepare the API input.

    // get chain ID from client
    const chainId = await client.getChainId();

    // Build input object
    const txAuthInput = {
    contractAbi: ExampleGatedNFTMinterABI,
    contractAddress: ExampleGatedNFTMinterAddress,
    functionName: "mintNFTGated",
    args: [recipientAddress],

    You can also add an explicit block expiration to txAuthInput. See getTxAuthSignature for more information.

  5. Get the signature.

    const signatureResponse = await fetch(
    method: "POST",
    headers: {
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
    Authorization: `Bearer ${env.NEXT_PUBLIC_COMPILOT_API_KEY}`,
    body: JSON.stringify(input),

    The signatureResponse object has three properties:

    • isAuthorized: boolean. True if this customer is authorized.
    • blockExpiration: the block number after which the request is considered expired.
    • payload: the block expiration and the signature concatenated together to be appended to the transaction data sent to the smart contract.
    • signature: the signature.
  6. Submit the transaction to the blockchain, including the block expiration and signature.

    if (
    signatureResponse.isAuthorized &&
    signatureResponse.blockExpiration &&
    ) {
    // Mint Gated Nft with signature
    const unsignedTx = encodeFunctionData({
    abi: ExampleGatedNFTMinterABI,
    functionName: "mintNFTGated",
    args: [account.address],

    // Complete data
    const txData = (unsignedTx + signatureResponse.payload) as `0x${string}`;

    // try to mint nft
    const tx = await{
    to: getGatedContractAddress(EvmChainId.parse(chainId)),
    data: txData,

    args is an array containing the arguments for the mintNFTGated function in the smart contract. It can contain as many elements as your function needs.

Contract allowlist

To fully secure your signature gating integration, ComPilot recommends adding your contract to your workspace's allowlist in the ComPilot Dashboard. This will ensure that only your workspace issue signatures for your contracts.

Adding a contract to your allowlist

Follow these steps to add a contract to your allowlist.

  1. In the Dashboard menu, select Settings > Signature Gating.

    The Signature Gating page is displayed.

  2. Click the + Add new contract button. The New contract pane is displayed on the right-hand side of the screen.

  3. Enter the contract address in the Contract Address field.

  4. Select the required chains in the Chains field.

  5. Click the Add button.

Editing a contract in the allowlist

Follow these steps to edit a contract in your allowlist.

  1. In the Dashboard menu, select Settings > Signature Gating. The Signature Gating page is displayed.
  2. Click the contract address in the list of contracts. The Edit contract pane is displayed on the right-hand side of the screen.
  3. Update the required chains in the Chains field.
  4. Click the Save button. You can also delete a contract from your allowlist by clicking the Delete button.

Available blockchains

The signer manager is deployed on 0x29A75f22AC9A7303Abb86ce521Bb44C4C69028A0 on:

  • Sepolia
  • Polygon Amoy
  • Polygon Mainnet
  • Base
  • Base Sepolia
  • Ethereum
  • Arbitrum
  • Arbitrum Sepolia
  • Optimism
  • Optimism Sepolia
  • BNB Testnet
  • Avalanche
  • Avalanche Fuji

To deploy on a network that is not in this list, use 0x03DF23c4dEA7B52Daf9B7920Ec6CFeDFFA691689. This is the signer address that the signer manager is pointing to.

Contact ComPilot if you need support for another blockchain.

Smart contracts security audit

The smart contracts have been security audited by Omniscia.